
Can Affiliate Programs Really Grow my Business? Best Advices

Can Affiliate Programs Really Grow my Business?

Can Affiliate Programs Really Grow my Business?
Can Affiliate Programs Really Grow my Business?
Affiliate programs have been used by some of the most well known and profitable internet businesses to make their millions. Amazon.com and ebay.com are just two examples of websites that have used affiliate programs in a BIG WAY to make money online.

Affiliate programs are programs where you pay other people to grow your business. The idea is that you pay them a fraction of the profits you make from the sales they give you so that you are always in profit. 

For example, some affiliate programs offer to pay affiliates $5 for every time they sell a copy of their $10 eBook through their special affiliate tracking link. As long as the product and the management cost less than $5 per eBook to maintain then you are still in profit and are gaining customers you wouldn't have had otherwise.

With affiliate programs the advantage is that you will always make a profit from your investment in them if you do it right. If you pay your affiliates a commission per sale then you are only ever paying someone to benefit your business and at a profit. You will never be paying anyone to benefit your business and not get your investment back with a profit.

Other affiliate programs pay affiliates per hit to their website, and the fee is obviously smaller but the boss (that's you!) still gets the biggest profit. The only risk with this method is that, while you may be getting traffic, you have to be sure that you can convert that into sales in order to make a profit.

You would be surprised just how many people there are out there that are very good at selling products or guiding traffic but cannot create their own. They need to sell YOUR unique and original products.

Many affiliates will be webmasters with websites with original content who simply enjoy maintaining them but would like to make enough money from them so that they maintain themselves.

Many affiliates will have read every handbook on marketing and making money from programs and will be working night and day to sell your product.

The only drawback is that you have no idea of what methods they may use or where your website may end up being promoted. However, this is a fairly calculated risk you take and in my opinion little harm can come of it.

I hope you have taken something from this article. It can definitely be used to grow any sort of web business and has been used in this way for a long time now.

You may also be surprised at how well this can increase your revenue as it has done for many giant e-businesses in the past.

Setting one up is as easy as a trip to clickbank.com where you can set all of the cash reward settings and just leave it. Automatically people will begin promoting your website for you and soon it will begin to grow far quicker than it could on its own.

What is an affiliate program? I’ve been bombarded with this question from Internet business newbies since I got myself involved in this very interesting but challenging
online business. 

Many years ago, ever since we started manufacturing products for sale in the offline physical world, we had been having sales agents representing different manufacturers to help the latter to expand their markets. The agents conclude sales without carrying inventory, handling payments, signing contracts, sorting, packing and shipping of the products. Their main focus had been to make the sale by getting the orders from the prospects and existing customers, which were then processed by the manufacturers or merchants. 

In the Internet online world we have affiliates instead of agents. Affiliates are highly targeted pay-for-performance sales agents. 

There are also some forms of Internet advertising that rewards the affiliates for driving traffic to the advertiser i.e. the manufacturers or the affiliate program owners. The advertiser pays the affiliates to place a link on their website, and the affiliate sends traffic to the advertiser in return. In other words, it's about the affiliates receiving commissions for helping in making the sales. 

The most common reward is pay-for-sale, where the merchant pays the affiliates who referred the paying customers.

Affiliates are being considered as a complementary but very important sales channel although the merchants themselves continue to get their own direct traffic in making their own sales. 

The affiliates do not have to suffer from the occasional sleepless nights worrying about the processing of orders, packing and shipping etc because this are being taken care of by the merchants who usually have an effective tracking system to determine which affiliates drive which orders to them starting with the so-called affiliate links. These are 
the links that the affiliates put on their websites, newsletters, ezines or emails.

How does an affiliate link look like? You may ask. The most common affiliate link is embedded in the linking URL. For example, if you see a link like "http://www.abcmerchant.com/?xxxx=3456", you can be quite sure that the affiliate with the ID (identification) 3456 will receive money from ABC Merchant when someone places his order after clicking that link. 

Other affiliate links are more complex and encrypted with some sites having their links masked so that the prospects won’t be able to detect that the URL they’re clicking is an affiliate link.

An excellent example of an affiliate program is that of Amazon.com who happens to have one of the oldest affiliate programs in the Internet. Other possible affiliate programs are as follows:

1) "Pay per click" - the merchant pays the affiliates for the driving the traffic and the resulted orders to them.

2) "Pay per lead" - the merchant pays the affiliates for directing the prospects to register their interest with a possibility of making the sales later. 

3) "Pay per subscription" – if the merchant has a recurring revenue from the customer’s repeated orders, the affiliates will benefit accordingly.

Why bother about Affiliate Marketing at all then?

The following are some of the reasons why Internet marketers the world over swear by the affiliate marketing as a form of their Internet advertisement and strategy: 

1. Low budget 
Many are hesitant to venture into any home based businesses because of the lack of fund or the unwillingness to part with money due to uncertainties. In affiliate marketing, you don't have to invest a lot financially to start pulling in profits.

2. No inventories 
There is no need to keep and manage an inventory as this would be taken care of by the merchant. 

3. Passive income through leverage
One could copy what the truly wealthy people are doing (or rather not doing). They earn their income through various leverage strategies which allow them to make money while they’re sleeping, meddling with hobbies, or having vacation in far away places such as the beautiful beaches in Hawaii or Malaysia.

Unlike a paid job, affiliates could just drive traffic to the merchants’ websites without having to sweat after having provided them your ad copy and links. 

4. Minimal risk 
The main reason for most successful Internet marketer's extensive use of affiliate marketing is the low-risk nature of the program. This is especially attractive to those with low budget for advertising

5. Globalisation
With affiliate marketing, you are dealing with an unending global market place. All you have to do is study, research and select a niche product or service and prepare all the necessary marketing tools for your affiliates to direct traffic from just about anywhere around the world to your website.

6. Getting paid while you sleep 
This system allows you to “recruit” thousands of “salesmen” who are willing to work for you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The best part is the fact that they’re willing to do so for nothing! This is a system that allows you to switch your business to “Autopilot” mode so that you could continue to earn money whether you’re awake, asleep or holidaying in Bangkok or Penang. It is a system that allows you to work from home or some places 10,000 km or more away from home.

Having said this, it must be stated that not all affiliate programs are successful. Many affiliate program owners fail because of their lack of the necessary investment, for instance, the merchant needs to invest in an effective tracking system, which is usually an outsourced affiliate network or an in-house affiliate software system. Another factor to consider is having sufficient human resources to recruit, manage, and motivate the affiliates with the right technical support and remuneration. Without a good support system in place, the affiliates will not stay long enough to produce the desired results.

Most online businesses use affiliate marketing strategy to sell their products which could include physical products, software or e-books. Service industry can also benefit from an affiliate program via a pay-per-lead program. 

Before a merchant could establish an affiliate strategy, he should consider many factors among them are the answers to the following questions:

1) What are the benefits to the affiliates? What commission rate should be offered to affiliates to attract them and motivate them? 

2) What are the competitors doing? Are there any innovative strategies that could produce product differentiation?
3) What pay-for-performance model should be adopted?

4) How to manage the affiliates and motivate them?

5) How are the affiliates paid using the latest technology without affecting their moral due, for instance, to delayed payment of their commission?

6) What affiliate software tracking systems are available and which is the best for the purpose?
A well designed affiliate program could bring very explosive positive results to the affiliate program owners’ business and the stream of income for the affiliates themselves.

An affiliate strategy done right can increase online sales tremendously. There are well over 30 affiliate software packages to choose from. There are also more than 200 features in affiliate software and network offerings. 

With all these possibilities, no wonder many success stories of the Internet businesses today are the results of suitable application of affiliate programs. Indeed, most online businesses could not survive today without effective affiliate programs.

Let me just start by saying I have tried many different affiliate programs with not much sucess.  That was until I came across Ulitmate Affiliate Marketing by Ewen Chia.  I was very happy when I started to read through all of the information provided to me.  Its a step-by-step guide to becoming an Ultimate Affiliate.  I have never been much of a reader but this really kept my interest.  Along with the basic guide you also get some great additional Training Reports to get you started.  There is a lot of information but its not confusing and is straight to the point.  Even if you have no previous Marketing Experience you can dive right in and start making some extra income.  I did! 

I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to get started as an Affiliate Marketer.  Good luck!

There are many people from all walks of life searching for ways to make more money, and the internet seems to be full of opportunities. Usually when you start searching for jobs or work at home possibilities, you get bombarded with a lot of hype! You know the old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is!" Remember that when you start looking for opportunities to help you make money online! If everything were as easy as it seems to be, then we could all quit our full time day jobs and just work online from the comfort of our home! Okay-maybe not, but I have been doing this online working thing for awhile now, and I want to share with you some advice about how to do it the right way! 

1. Start Slow! When you first start out trying to make money online, the internet is going to seem like a huge place with tons of information everywhere. You'll probably feel overwhelmed with an information overload! Don't let that happen. You need to take it a little bit everyday and learn as much as you can bit by bit. One of the best ways to do this is to keep paper by your computer and take notes. Write down any good websites you find that you may want to refer back to. Print out information that you will need in the future. Read as much as you can and go back and read it again. You need to really let it soak in, and you need to absorb as much as possible. Generally, if you allow yourself enough time to do some research before you try to get started, you will arm yourself with a lot of important necessary knowledge. Of course, most of you will still be working your day job, so maybe try to allow some time in the evenings or on the weekends to do your research. Also, stay organized! Nothing is worse than sifting through a huge pile of papers looking for a specific site or web address. If you can go into this venture from a learning perspective, it will make everything easier down the road. Whenever you are working to make money online, research, learning, studying, and keeping up-to-date are going to be some of the most important things you can do. Remember that a lot of your competition will probably try to go in blindly, so then you'll be one step ahead. 

2. Find Good Products and Test Them. When you are ready to take the step into making money online, affiliate marketing is one of the simplest ways beginners can make money. Not only can you have the potential to start generating sales, but you will get exposed to a lot of people who know what they are doing, who have already had success, and who are actually willing to help you. Once you find a good product that you want to try to sell, test the waters. Place some ads in various areas and keep track of whether or not you're making any sales. When first starting out, only promote one or two products at a time! It seems like you will do better if you start promoting 100 things at once, but when you have so many campaigns going at the same time, it's easy to lose focus and concentration. You want to be able to put forth your full effort and really see whether or not this product is going to pay off for you. Keep in mind that a lot of products end up not being successful money makers, so if you find that is the case, go back to the drawing board and pick something else. Don't spend a lot of money until you find a profitable product! Most of us just starting out don't have much extra money to spend on advertising anyway, but keeping costs down is important. Your ultimate goal is making a profit, right? 

3.Get Excited and Don't Give Up! Start promoting yourself and your products as much as you can. Many well established and successful sites have opt-in email lists where you can sign up to get their daily or weekly newsletters. Get your email address on all of the ones that look helpful to you or your product. Many times, these emails are full of valuable information, and you're getting it for free! These companies are reputable and are not going to sell or give away your email address, so it's completely safe to go ahead and sign up! This is a continuation of your learning process, as well, because they will send you up to the minute information, and may even introduce you to new products! The more you can learn, the better! Speaking of email, send out some emails to family members and close friends and let them know about your new online adventure! No, you don't have to try to sell them anything, but this is an easy way to start getting yourself out there. Please don't spam anyone, though. Just send it out to those people who you know will be accepting of your emails. Also, when you send them out, ask your friends and family to let you know their personal opinions about your products, website, or any other feedback they can give. If you can get some open and honest feedback from those you trust, you can begin to get an idea of how you will be able to relate to the general public. You're ultimately hoping a lot of these people will be your customers someday! This whole experience working online can be a lot of fun, but there are definitely going to be some very frustrating days. There may even be some frustrating weeks. Keep going, keep working, keep learning, and stay in the game! There are no people who succeed in making money online if they give up within the first couple of months! The longer you stick with it, the more chance you have to improve your skills, and eventually you'll get where you want to be. Keep your perspective, and if you need a break, take one. Sometimes, when you're taking a break, you do your best thinking and get some of your best ideas. 

Hopefully I've provided you with some basic information for getting started making money online. It really is a learning experience, but at least you can do it from the comfort of your own home! Lots of moms and stay at home caregivers have options for generating online incomes that weren't there even a few years ago. This market is open to anyone and everyone. Take it step by step, don't jump in head first, and learn, learn, learn! Here's to your success!

What should you consider when choosing an affiliate program? You need to think about two key things: what business are you in and what can the affiliate program provide to your customers.

No matter what business you are in, the largest investment you make will be customer acquisition. If you have your own product, and have acquired a base of satisfied customers, then single product affiliate programs could work very well for you.

However, if your business is acquiring customers for other businesses, that is, purely affiliate programs, then a better choice for you could be affiliate programs with multiple products or services. This will help you to capitalise on your investment in customer acquisition.

The key to choosing successfully is to ensure that the affiliate program offers products that meet the needs of your potential customers. Coupled with this is the need for the products to be high quality and for the supplier to provide excellent customer service. Remember, your credibility is on the line every time you refer someone to buy through your affiliate relationship.

Some of the other factors I consider when evaluating affiliate programs include:

+ Is the affiliate program a reputable business? You can check out a business you are considering a relationship with in variety of ways. Talk to the Better Business Bureau in your local area or a similar body. In addition, I find web sites that monitor affiliate programs to be worth looking at. The best I have found is Associate Programs http://www.AssociatePrograms.com. Allan Gardyne pulls no punches and tells it as it is.

+ Does the program enable you to share in the lifetime value of the customer? Great programs will give you commissions on all future purchases of the customers you introduce. This is where the real profits are. These types of programs, in effect, allow you to partner with the supplier.

+ Does the program reward you for introducing other affiliates? This type of program is commonly referred to as a two-tier program. Often your customer may become an affiliate also and you will be rewarded for this.

+ Is the supplier interested in your success as an affiliate? The top affiliate programs engage in a process of coaching or information sharing to help you succeed. Affiliates are provided with regular newsletters outlining what is working for successful affiliates and providing updates and details on new products.

+ Is the commission reasonable? Commission rates on commodity products such as books and CDs are low. This is because there is very little margin in the products due to competition. Look for products that have a commission rate of 15% or more that are not commodities - that way you will be better able to recoup your customer acquisition investment.

+ Are statistics provided? The higher the level of statistics provided, the better off you are. This will enable you to measure the success of your marketing efforts and to determine the best places to invest your marketing dollars. Insufficient statistics is a sign that the affiliate program is not sufficiently interested in your success.

+ Are new products being developed regularly? To get the full value from lifetime commissions, new products need to be introduced on a regular basis. Without this, lifetime commissions can be worthless. Also, look for consistent high quality in new products introduced.

+ How frequently are commissions paid? The more frequently commissions are paid, the better off you are. Good quality affiliate programs will pay you monthly. In some situations, commissions are not paid until a certain level is reached. If the program you are considering has this requirement, check how many sales need to be made before the level is reached.

+ Have you read the affiliate agreement? This is a key area that you should look at. Some affiliate agreements are totally in favour of the supplier. Others are more balanced. Some agreements restrict your ability to promote similar products from other suppliers. Most agreements have anti-spam provisions. Look for agreements that are fair and that do not stack everything against you as the affiliate.

While there are other factors that can be considered when choosing an affiliate program, following the suggestions above will help you to make superior business choices that will lead to long-term success.

Clickbank Super Affiliate Marketing Tactics Revealed!

Clickbank is one of the largest and most popular marketplaces for digital products (ebooks and software).

It has the advantages of: 

- having thousands of products under several categories including 

- all products are digital. This means that the product can be downloaded immediately rather than having to wait for it to be shipped.

- signing up as an affiliate to any product within the Clickbank marketplace is extremely simple

Despite these advantages, most Clickbank affiliates struggle to make a few hundred dollars per month. However, there is an elite few "super-affiliates" that are making well over $1,500.00/month. 

These folks are using Clickbank to create and grow a successful online business with affiliate marketing.

How can you as new Clickbank affiliate achieve this? The following is a summarized lists of what would be required is the knowledge of how to:

1) The ability to find the most profitable products. With thousands of product available, you have to be able to sift through the crowd and find the products that:

(a) Pay good commission - at least $20.00

(b) Are in great demand - You can find out which products are in demand by doing thorough keyword research.

(c) Have a good sales page - try to promote products that you have brought because that means that the sales letter was good enough to convince you to purchase. 

2) Create your own affiliate websites (sending visitors straight to the merchants website through your affiliate link is common, but terrible mistake). 

* One of the best kind of affiliate sites to create is a review site!
** When creating affiliate sites, think about ways to make your site unique

3) Create landing pages with an opt-in mechanism which allows you to capture the names and addresses of visitors. This is very effective. When you capture your visitors information, you can follow up with them, which has been proven to increase your conversion ratio.

4) Once you have captured the names of your visitors and have built a substantial subscriber list, you have to how to convert them into buyers... and even better... long term customers.

5) Get FREE *targeted* traffic to your affiliate sites. There are a number of strategies which are free but are proven effective in getting quality traffic to your site. These include:
 (a) Writing articles and submitting them to article directories
 (b) Posting at forums and online boards
 (c) Using signature files in emails and forums
 (d) Surf for traffic exchange sites

These are some of the techniques currently being used by a handful of Super Clickbank Affiliates. These are the techniques you need to learn to start seriously increasing your earnings online.

Company Overview:

Is the Internet a good venue for getting online leads and sales? Oftentimes, online merchants are disappointed or disheartened and end up reverting to traditional media for their advertising needs. Creating a website is not enough. Submitting the URL (with appropriate Meta tags and keywords to make the site searchable) is not enough. Having a merchant account on your site is not enough. The best way to get the most traffic to go to your site is through the forging of relationships with other companies. Short of pounding the pavement or writing emails to anonymous companies who may not give you the time of day, the best solution offered by the internet today are — affiliate programs.

Commission Junction is a one of three ValueClick companies. Together they provide complete Internet marketing solutions to its clients and partners. Commission Junction’s expertise lies in forging strategic relationships between publishers and advertisers; thereby creating an open marketplace low risk and high reward for its clients.

Commission Junction is one of the largest affiliate programs on the Internet today with over three hundred advertisers in the UK, France, and Germany alone and over 1,700 merchants and growing daily. Their partners and clients include leading big name Internet and traditional companies such as Air France, Ebay, Microsoft, Palm, Razorfish, Thomas Cook, and Yahoo. Commission Junction ranks as one of the largest ad networks in the world.

Program Details and Benefits:

How does it work? Once upon a time we had a simple term for it. We called it “banner swap”. Another was direct ad placement. Publishers would include ads or links to advertisers in the content of their website (oftentimes in the form of banners). This helps advertisers in building their brand, drive up their sales, and decrease the acquisition cost of customers.

Income and commissions are generated by what we call “click through”s. This means that the publisher makes money every time the ad is seen or clicked by a person. The commission rate is often set in batches, for example, every 1,000 clicks, etc.

There are several reasons why Commission Junction is considered one of the best affiliate programs on the Internet today.

1) Commission Junction has a very competitive pricing scheme for their merchants

2) They pay out commissions to their members quickly and on time

3) They constantly look for ways to improve their services by increasing the benefits of their clients (or affiliates) and encourage them to help in expanding the Commission Junction network.

Commission Junction employs traditional affiliate commission models such as “pay per click”, “pay per lead” and “pay per sale”.

Commission Junction’s affiliate program offers a variety of benefits to its affiliates. The first is the two tier commission plan.

1) An affiliate can earn a referral commission ($2 up-front) by encouraging other webmasters or companies into joining the Commission Junction network (assuming they are not yet members of the Commission Junction network) once they sign up. For example, if ten (10) people click through from your site and all of them sign up. That means that the affiliate automatically earns twenty dollars ($20) in referrals.

2) An affiliate can earn a five percent (5%) commission on all commissions generated by their referrals. This only applies to new accounts, and not existing members of Commission Junction. For example, if all ten become active members and each one generates twenty dollars ($20) in commissions each month, then the first tier affiliate will earn an additional ten dollars ($10) monthly income. This translates into an annual income of around one hundred twenty dollars ($120) — all from referrals!

Second, commissions are pooled together in one check paid directly by Commission Junction, on a monthly basis, not by the merchants. There is no set minimum commission per merchant. This means that if you earn five dollars ($5) each from ten merchants in a single month, Commission Junction will remit fifty dollars ($50) to you immediately. Also, Commission Junction offers a centralized online commission report for all its merchant programs.

Another benefit that makes Commission Junction so attractive to merchants and publishers is that they also offer their merchants the same two tiered program they offer their affiliates. This means that all merchants are also entitled to the five percent (5%) second tier commissions.

Commission Junction also offers a variety of affiliate programs that you can promote on your site. Aside from the big name companies, Commission Junction has attracted the attention of many smaller merchants that are highly targeted and are focused on a particular niche. This helps in targeting your site as well and will increase the opportunities of finding a merchant appropriate for your target audience.

Visitor Feedback:

I’ve read several comments about Commission Junction on the Internet from forums and review sites and there seems to be mixed feedback, depending on whether you are a merchant or an affiliate.

Merchants have given glowing reports all around. According to the merchants, Commission Junction offers them a well-designed and well-implemented solution at a reasonable price. From the affiliates, though, there have been a few glowing reports and quite a few not so desirable ones. Here are some comments posted:

· (August 23, 2001)I could spend all day on their site trying to figure out which programs to choose from the thousands on offer. Don’t make much money from them despite the programs looking good.

· (February 25, 2003) Hardly makes you any money even if you try hard. They used to be a good and reliable bunch, but since they’ve left the pay per click system, they’ve gone downhill in many respects. When I requested payment, next thing I knew was that they terminated my account, accusing me of cheating! This was supposedly detected by their infallible anti-cheating software… I subsequently emailed them several time asking for an explanation, and they never replied once! What can you do! I’d say skip them if you’re looking for a company with integrity. There are many around, like Tradedoubler, Fastclick and Focusin.

· (February 4, 2004 – from a 2-year Commission Junction member) Commission Junction offer a fantastic business opportunity from people working from home (who have a website) wanting to earn an extra income brilliant companies on offer easy to join and add links to - Their payment structure is second to none - I now receive a guaranteed monthly check which is always more every month!

· (April 16, 2004) Commission Junction seemed to be good, but I have just recently requested payment and found my account has been put on payment review for 30 days and then if they think I have increased clicks they will terminate my account. This is very annoying and I don’t think I’m the only one who has had this problem. My advice would be to look elsewhere or deal directly with the companies of which you want to become an affiliate.

· (October 18, 2005) Commission Junction interface is hard to navigate, keeps crashing. Stay well clear.

As you can see the comments are mixed. In the early stages of Commission Junction’s history there were reports of undelivered commissions and inaccurate tracking. On the up side, the last negative comment I’ve read was the one listed above (October 18, 2005). I assume this means that Commission Junction has ironed out their bugs and has definitely moved forward and been able to supply its merchant partners and affiliates with the quality service they promised. With nine months of glowing reviews, I think it is safe to recommend Commission Junction to merchants and publishers all over the net.

It’s no secret that affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to make money online.

Most products have an affiliate program, and some even pay you as much as 75%! All you have to do is find the ones that pay the most, sign up, drive traffic to that site through your affiliate link and you’re all set right?

Wrong! Let’s back up a minute.

It’s great to choose an affiliate program that pays a high percentage, but that’s not most important. It’s most important to find a quality affiliate program that meets certain criteria.

First, you want to make sure the product is a proven seller. You don’t want to waste your time and money driving traffic to a site that doesn’t convert. Find one with a good conversion rate.

Second, make sure the site you become an affiliate for protects his affiliates, and has your best interest at heart. Look for one that provides banners, e-mails, and other tools you can use to promote the site. Also, make sure that there is only one payment option. As an affiliate marketer, you need to be sure that you will get credit for your referral. If there is more than one payment method, you can get shortchanged.

Third, do not choose an affiliate program that promotes an e-mail course. Nothing angers me more than becoming an affiliate to a site that’s first goal is to capture e-mail addresses, and then tries to make the sale second. As an affiliate marketer, you need to capture e-mail addresses, then to convert that prospect into a sale. Stick with affiliate programs that aren’t focused on capturing leads because it’s simply not in your best interest. Build your own list, not someone else’s.

Affiliate marketing can be an absolute goldmine, but if you choose the wrong affiliate programs you will only be wasting your money. 

Another quick note: Don’t let anyone tell you a particular Niche is too saturated. Unless you have deep pockets you should stay away from industries like credit repair, gambling, insurance, etc. However, you can even succeed in those if you are inventive enough. Try out new methods of generating leads. Be creative.

Who knows, you may even surprise yourself.

Stay at home moms are turning to the Internet in masses looking to contribute to the family income or replace their day job so they can stay at home. Many single moms especially are looking to stay at home so they can take care of their family.

I have been blessed with five children and I could not even imagine having to do it on my own and work a day job. In fact I'm not sure I could handle it on my own with one child, but when placed in that unfortunate situation you have to do whatever it takes and I commend those who do it on a daily basis. It pains me to think about the stresses of taking care of children, house hold needs, working a job and in many cases bringing in just enough money to pay the bills. Sometimes not even bringing in enough money. Wow!

The Internet is the perfect fit, because once successful you can replace your day job, increase time with your family and have more free time to do as you wish. It has allowed many to have a chance at the American Dream.

You can see the desire for stay at home moms by looking at the search engine keywords that searched for on a daily basis. They are phrases such as best jobs for stay at home moms, online jobs for stay at home moms, work at home jobs and home businesses.

As a work at home web site owner, I like many others, have a specific page highlighting Moms Jobs. I realized awhile back that it is a market place that is very much in demand, therefore I decided to allocate the time and effort to find the best Moms Jobs available on the Internet.

I found that there were many opportunities like owning your own Jewelry Store, Online Dollar Store or many of the other work at home businesses. In addition if you are looking to create income, but not own an online business I found programs in areas like Data Entry, Paid Surveys, Telephone Answering Jobs, Medical Transcription and Type at Home.

You can see the choices are abundant. Many will choose a couple of good programs so they have multiple income streams. Obviously, an online business may take more time to create additional income than simply working at home. Please ensure that you do your research by either using a website like mine or do the research yourself. It is imperative that you do this part so that you have the best chance of success.

I always recommend having a separate email address for you online work at home activities. You will need a computer, access to the Internet and some free time. Once you have selected a program you simply need to join and get start creating income. The cost for these online programs is minimal. I was very surprised at how inexpensive it is to start working at home.

Please feel free to read more of this article by visiting my link in the resource box below. I always enjoy getting emails pertaining to my articles or my site. Your feedback is important to me.

Have you ever heard or read the phrase “multiple streams of income” before? Do you know what this phrase means? For many businessmen, creating multiple streams of income online or offline is one way of securing themselves as well as their businesses in the future. They also believe that it can also save them from the so-called famine effect in the business industry. Once you are engaged in affiliate marketing business, it is advisable if you have multiple streams of affiliate marketing income so that if one of those income streams vanished, it will not upset you the way losing your sole stream would. If you depend on just one source of income and this single stream has been downsized or has lain off, you’ll surely find yourself bankrupted and hopeless. Try to ask the most successful online entrepreneurs, and you’ll discover that they have established multiple streams of online income. 

There is a businessman that said and attested that the very first step you must take in creating multiple streams of income is to assess or evaluate your resources. Start by assessing yourself first. Jot down your answers to the following questions: What are the talents, abilities, strength and gears that you possess? Are you gifted with excellent and creative writing skills? Can you do well at sales? Are you good in communicating with people? Are you born with an artistic skill or unique ability that other people don’t have? Through this, you can determine the kind of business where can possibly excel. 

Next, look around and write down you assets and physical resources such as computer, color printer, scanner, digital camera, cell phone, CD or DVD burner. Write these all down because it can be used as a resource. Consider also your friends and family. Find out what do they possess that you have access to. Remember that no man is an island. You can use the talents, abilities, knowledge and resources of everyone you know.

That’s basically the initial step if you want to create multiple income streams. But if you’re already a webmaster or a site owner, you definitely have an edge. Why don’t you join affiliate marketing business to help you gain extra income out of your own website? 

Being involved in affiliate marketing is one of the most desirable ways to make multiple sources of income. It is because affiliate marketing programs come in various shapes and forms. There are a large number of affiliate marketing programs that you can sign on with and start gaining bucks right away. In affiliate marketing, you can make money by promoting and reselling your affiliate products and by recruiting new affiliates. What’s good about this is that you can find widest array of training materials that can enhance your marketing abilities. In affiliate marketing, you can be sure that there are genuine products to promote and sell and there is real income to make.

Either part time or full time, being an affiliate marketer is an excellent way to create multiple income streams by means of promoting products and services from web merchants. Here, you can get affiliate commission without investing big bucks in making your own product and without worrying about book keeping, customer support and ecommerce. All you have to do is to promote and resell the products and services in your site and pass on potential customer’s the merchant’s site. 

In affiliate marketing, it is advisable to promote more merchants in your site so that your visitors will have variety of destinations to choose from.  Using multiple merchants in the same site or niche means only one thing – you have multiple streams of affiliate income. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this business strategy because this is one of the best ways to protect your business and expanding your horizons. Through this, you can be assured that you won’t experience crisis if ever one of your web merchants closed his/her program. 

However, you should choose only those affiliate programs that interest you so that you can effectively advertise and promote them. Don’t ever be tempted into signing up for numerous affiliate programs in the hope that one of them will bring income. Select wisely and don’t be engaged in selling products you know nothing about. Go with the stuff that jives with your enthusiasm; your passion can capture your client by the nose and guide him/her to your affiliate link.

You should also work hard to make your multiple streams of income more stable. You can do this by embracing some strategies and tactics and by developing within yourself, some traits that can help you become successful in any kind of business such as patience, persistence and thirst for knowledge. 

Lastly, just remember the adage that says “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” So that if one of them is lost, you can still have some to make omelets. And what do these eggs have to do with multiple streams of affiliate income? Well, it goes without saying that the more streams of income you possess, the bigger and better your money lake becomes. 

To get your own money-making website set up free visit: http://www.home-industry.com/pips.html

Have you ever heard or read the phrase “multiple streams of income” before? Do you know what this phrase means? For many businessmen, creating multiple streams of income online or offline is one way of securing themselves as well as their businesses in the future. They also believe that it can also save them from the so-called famine effect in the business industry. Once you are engaged in affiliate marketing business, it is advisable if you have multiple streams of affiliate marketing income so that if one of those income streams vanished, it will not upset you the way losing your sole stream would. If you depend on just one source of income and this single stream has been downsized or has lain off, you’ll surely find yourself bankrupted and hopeless. Try to ask the most successful online entrepreneurs, and you’ll discover that they have established multiple streams of online income. 

There is a businessman that said and attested that the very first step you must take in creating multiple streams of income is to assess or evaluate your resources. Start by assessing yourself first. Jot down your answers to the following questions: What are the talents, abilities, strength and gears that you possess? Are you gifted with excellent and creative writing skills? Can you do well at sales? Are you good in communicating with people? Are you born with an artistic skill or unique ability that other people don’t have? Through this, you can determine the kind of business where can possibly excel. 

Next, look around and write down you assets and physical resources such as computer, color printer, scanner, digital camera, cell phone, CD or DVD burner. Write these all down because it can be used as a resource. Consider also your friends and family. Find out what do they possess that you have access to. Remember that no man is an island. You can use the talents, abilities, knowledge and resources of everyone you know.

That’s basically the initial step if you want to create multiple income streams. But if you’re already a webmaster or a site owner, you definitely have an edge. Why don’t you join affiliate marketing business to help you gain extra income out of your own website? 

Being involved in affiliate marketing is one of the most desirable ways to make multiple sources of income. It is because affiliate marketing programs come in various shapes and forms. There are a large number of affiliate marketing programs that you can sign on with and start gaining bucks right away. In affiliate marketing, you can make money by promoting and reselling your affiliate products and by recruiting new affiliates. What’s good about this is that you can find widest array of training materials that can enhance your marketing abilities. In affiliate marketing, you can be sure that there are genuine products to promote and sell and there is real income to make.

Either part time or full time, being an affiliate marketer is an excellent way to create multiple income streams by means of promoting products and services from web merchants. Here, you can get affiliate commission without investing big bucks in making your own product and without worrying about book keeping, customer support and ecommerce. All you have to do is to promote and resell the products and services in your site and pass on potential customer’s the merchant’s site. 

In affiliate marketing, it is advisable to promote more merchants in your site so that your visitors will have variety of destinations to choose from.  Using multiple merchants in the same site or niche means only one thing – you have multiple streams of affiliate income. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this business strategy because this is one of the best ways to protect your business and expanding your horizons. Through this, you can be assured that you won’t experience crisis if ever one of your web merchants closed his/her program. 

However, you should choose only those affiliate programs that interest you so that you can effectively advertise and promote them. Don’t ever be tempted into signing up for numerous affiliate programs in the hope that one of them will bring income. Select wisely and don’t be engaged in selling products you know nothing about. Go with the stuff that jives with your enthusiasm; your passion can capture your client by the nose and guide him/her to your affiliate link.

You should also work hard to make your multiple streams of income more stable. You can do this by embracing some strategies and tactics and by developing within yourself, some traits that can help you become successful in any kind of business such as patience, persistence and thirst for knowledge. 

Lastly, just remember the adage that says “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” So that if one of them is lost, you can still have some to make omelets. And what do these eggs have to do with multiple streams of affiliate income? Well, it goes without saying that the more streams of income you possess, the bigger and better your money lake becomes.

Diversify Your Income

One of the most important things you should learn with your website is that you need to diversify your income. As the old saying goes: "don't put all your eggs in one basket!" As this rings true to most of our daily lives, it also rings true to having an online income.

Let's say you have most of your ads with Google AdSense. Say that it makes up 90% of your website's income. Heaven forbid if Google should ever cancel your account! You would lose 90% of your website income, then what would you do? Would you be able to recover immediately? Most people would not. I had a friend recently get his Google AdSense account revoked for reasons unknown to him. They said that he was generating false clicks (which he wasn't) and that's all the information they would give him. Luckily he was able to appeal the decision and get his account reinstated, but not everyone is that lucky!

So if you have a website, diversify your earnings by not only using Pay Per Click sponsors, but perhaps use a Direct Leads sponsor, a "cost per action" sponsor, or even promote other products or services and get paid a commission per sale.

It's always best to watch the performance of your website. Make sure that you are checking your stats to see which banners and ads are performing the best and swap out the ones that aren't functioning as well. It's also a good idea to rotate your banners every few months anyway to get "fresh blood" on your site. Your surfers will become "banner blind" after awhile and will learn to overlook all of your ads and banners.

Diversifying your income also includes opening other websites. Currently I have several websites that I get income from. About 4 months ago, Google banned one of my websites from their search engine! This is a common thing to happen amongst Internet Marketers. Apparently my site had too many outgoing links to sponsor ads and they considered it a "link farm". However that site at the time was earning me approximately $1000/month. If I didn't have all of my other sites to pick up the slack, can you imagine the disaster that would have been?

Another way to diversify your websites are to have some of them on different servers. Hosting is dirt cheap these days. If you can throw one or two of them up on a $5.99 a month server and pay for a year's worth of hosting, you're doing the right thing. Not only does it have search engine benefits, but if one of your servers should go down, not all of your sites are down at once.

So remember to diversify your income and you'll be glad when you're having a slow sales month on one of your affiliate programs, all of the other ones may just pick up the slack!

This is a big question to try to answer, is it possible to piggy back onto someone else’s success?  There are a lot of variables to take into consideration.

Obviously some of the affiliate schemes do work, but a lot of affiliate schemes will not.  Why is this? It is a simple question to answer really, the biggest reason that some don’t work is because the product that you are trying to sell doesn’t have market appeal or there is no market for the product to try to sell it into.

Have you every come across an affiliate scheme and thought, how on earth does anyone make any money from this, the product is useless and you can’t imagine anyone wanting it? Well believe you me it is possible to sell anything to anyone but you need to advertise in the right place and need to have the right tools in place to be able to do it.  Affiliate schemes by nature attract people who are running affiliate businesses, especially when you starting out.

Let’s take an example, you are looking for a way to make extra income on the internet, you take the plunge into signing up for a scheme that sounds good, with a product that you want to use.  You make the purchase and you make use of the product that you have bought, before you know it you are then flooded with other products that sound great and would really help your business, so you buy into another and another, suddenly you are working the affiliate market.  

Someone started out exactly where you are now at the bottom run of the ladder and you appear to be parting with money rather than making money.  But just take a step back and think for a moment, the product, ezine, service that you bought is actually making an affiliate up to and over half of the value of the product, therefore it must work.  Now you’re thinking along the right lines.

If you are going to become an affiliate marketer then it is essential that you have got your own website, you just cannot run a business without a website no matter what industry you are in.  You may be thinking what do I need a website for, well you need a website to showcase the products, if you think of the products and services that you are promoting as your own, remember you can earn up to 75% of the value of the product, if you are selling a product that is worth $100 that is $75 for everyone you sell, then you need to think of this as a proper business.  You need the business tools in place; it is no good having the affiliate product link and then thinking well how on earth will I promote this.

It would be wise to work on the premise that you only try to promote and sell products that you would use yourself, if you stick to this idea then it is more likely that you are going to have success with your affiliate business.

The golden rule is to remember that if someone else can do it then I can do it too, if you remember this, follow the help that you can get online and work at your affiliate business then you too can have a piece of the internet pie.

Each of us has its own interest or has a hobby. Some love all kinds of books, music, and movies while others are into sports and traveling. There are also people who love to grow flowers and loves pets. These things help us to relax and forget our everyday problems and troubles and these things are common to people. But not everyone has a hobby that makes money for him/her except if you love your job. 

Money making hobby could let you treat your family and friends with the extra cash or you can even quit your current job that you almost certainly hate. That is why many of us today go online to start a business; their reasons are either to supplement their income or to gradually replace their offline income from their job. Affiliate marketing is a great way to start in making money online. 

Affiliate marketing is a revenue sharing partnership between a web merchant and one or more affiliates. The affiliate is paid a commission for referring clicks, leads or most often sales to the merchant. An affiliate’s advantage is that he can make money in a business where he doesn’t have the upfront costs of creating his own product, and he doesn’t have to worry about e-commerce, bookkeeping, or even customer support for it is the merchant’s responsibility. 

Now, for sure you want to be an affiliate marketer with all that benefits an affiliate could get. But, do you have what it takes to be an affiliate marketer? Before you begin your venture into affiliate marketing, you need to decide first which area interest you. What products do you know the most and which products you could do the best job of selling? Once you discover your specialty, perseverance, patience, determination comes next. These are the qualities you should possessed to be a good affiliate marketer.

Too many online business prospectors lose out because they become impatient. You also have to know what your strengths are, the things in which you are good at and your capabilities and abilities related to your chosen streak. And the most important thing is you have to have a strong desire to succeed in affiliate marketing. 

To be an affiliate marketer is not an easy task. You have to learn the techniques of marketing your product or service. You shouldn’t be looking at every chance because marketing is all about attracting you to look at this or that particular opportunity. To be a successful affiliate marketer, you should learn how to listen and to be taught because in life we need to learn skills to get by. 

For an affiliate marketer, you should know how to market your site effectively, in will enable you to get thousands of visitors coming to your site which transforms into more sales. This only means that the faster you set up a website, the bigger your chances of making money online faster. You should avoid the same mistakes some affiliates make everyday, they are only building a short-term business where they just make a small sale. Make sure you do understand that you should be building a long-term affiliate business and not just something that makes you a few dollars on one sale.  

It is also better to have knowledge on how to upsell your visitors for expensive services. This will in turn make you become recognized as an expert in your field and making money will be easier. There are some people thinks that just by having affiliate links on their website will bring them good profits. This can have some truth to it, but then most successful affiliates still believe that making use of strong marketing campaigns for their affiliate programs is still important. But affiliate marketers become much more successful when they treat their customers or online visitors as friends. Make a commitment to establish relationships with your customers and especially with visitors to your site. It is very important for an affiliate marketer to have a good business relationship with customers or visitors.  

You should also be creative. The real key to being successful with affiliate marketing is to develop a good content based website and weave your affiliate links into all your content. You have to provide your prospects with good, quality content to keep them coming back to your site. So, do you have what it takes to be an affiliate marketer?

writer and blogger, founder of 99ProTips .

جديد قسم : marketing

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